
dateshirt colortheme
10.09.1999dark bluenone yet
10.14.2000dark greenupside down map
10.20.2001reda pub mosey odyssey
10.05.2002yellowbottle cap logo
10.11.2003kelly greencinco de mosey
10.16.2004royal bluesuper mosey
10.08.2005red / grey777 pulltab
10.14.2006black / greyeight ball
10.20.2007white / navyne parental
10.04.2008red / white10-4 good buddy
10.10.2009black / whiteit goes to eleven
10.09.2010grey thermalstar wars
10.08.2011black thermalmosey the 13th
10.13.2012whitebelieve in NE
10.12.2013lite bluebeware the ides of mosey
mosey city
10.10.2015redfear and loathing in nordeast
10.08.2016purplepurple mosey
10.14.2017graygood vs evil
10.12.2019graystronger drinks
2020-2021covid break
10.08.2022blackwordle mosey
10.14.2023pinkbarbie mosey